Purpose: to teach youth responsible living and life skills, enabling them to be successful in meeting individual goals and supporting reunification or independent living.

for information regarding case management services offered in our program, or if you are a former participant in the group home program and require additional assistance or referrals for placement, please reach out to our Operations Director.

Pam Mann - Operations Director

Main: 307-577-5718 Ext. 309


Our group home is available to court-ordered and parent-placed youth. Please review the following information and then complete the referral packet below to apply for placement.

 The Youth Crisis Center, Inc. Group Home teaches youth responsible living and life skills, enabling them to be successful in meeting individual goals and supporting reunification or independent living. Our program focuses on set expectations/rules and core values, emphasizing that youth are in control of their own behavior and their choices directly impact the outcome, positive or negative.

 To be successful in this program, youth must demonstrate that they are willing to learn, exercise self-control, and make positive choices. Youth are guided in the program with increased accountability through each phase and an emphasis on opportunity and learning. This is not a program that will give all the answers; this is a program that empowers youth to seek out the answers, build support, and increase independence.

Services provided during placement:

·         Shelter, food, clothing, and other essential needs

·         Youth & family goal setting, supportive programming, and community referrals

·         Educational support & study/homework assistance

·         Independent living support including life-skills group and meal planning

·         Phase system to support behavior modification

·         Access to physical and mental health care

·         Safety planning

Family Involvement:

Family involvement is essential to the success of individuals in the program and beyond. There are several ways that families are actively involved as youth complete the YCCGH program:

·         Attend monthly CFT/MDT meetings

·         Attend family counseling

·         Talk with the operations director or group home supervisor about behavior while your child is on pass and contact them at any time you are struggling, notice a behavior change, or have a success to report

·         Request additional services or referrals as needed

·         Provide input on the progress of youth in the program, including the appropriateness of consequences

·         Attend family events at YCC or within the community to further connect and build relationships

·         Attend the depart party in celebration of all that youth achieve in the program

Youth not appropriate for placement:

  • Those with violent or aggressive behavior

  • Extreme risk of running away

  • Suicidal/Psychiatric crisis

  • Lower level of functioning

Additional Information:

·         Upon acceptance into the group home program, youth will be required to participate in individual and family counseling. YCC has clinical staff available to provide these services or families may select providers within the community. It is essential for the YCCGH team to be able to maintain contact with any clinical providers for successful completion of the program.

·         Youth and families will complete a six-week start-up process to include six weekly meetings with the YCCGH Case Management team in order to complete required paperwork and assessments.

·         Following this start-up, families will communicate weekly with the case management team. Monthly meetings will be held to discuss youth progress and update case plan/goals.

·         The YCCGH Case Management team will provide aftercare services for a minimum of one year following exit from the program (regardless of successful completion or transition to another facility). These services will include weekly/monthly check-ins for needs/services.

·         Length of stay is determined by youth progress and needs.

·         Youth are accepted with the understanding they will complete the program successfully and, in most cases, return home or to a community-based setting.

 What some youth have reported as their greatest success during their stay:

·         “finding more coping skills.”

·         “I’ve gotten way better with conflict resolution” and “definitely boundaries.”

·         “school… how many credits I’ve gotten” and “being sober.”

·         “building relationships with my family.”

·         “learning how to manage my time and what to do with my day” and “being able to handle situations better than before… maturing.”

·         “staying away from conflicts and peer negativity.”

·         “my self-image… I feel better about how I look… don’t really care about what people say.”

·         “not throwing fists for my first reaction” and “my emotional eating has gone down.”

·         “going to school.”

·         “my interaction with others” and “attitude towards people.”

·         “starting college” and “my attitude change and maturity… and maintaining goals.”

·         “stabilizing… mood, emotional capacity, just everything.”

Admission Criteria:

Youth Crisis Center has the right to choose who will be served within the program; this decision is based on multiple factors, including youth needs and the program’s ability to meet those needs. YCC does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or religion. The YCCGH offers long-term care for children ages 10-17 years who are unable to return home at the present time. Youth accepted into the program must be recipients of Medicaid. Each referral is reviewed on an individual basis.


Helpful links:

Group Home Referral Form* - If you are seeking to place a youth in our group home program, please complete this referral form and submit it for consideration.

GH Referral ROI

YCCGH Youth & Family Handbook_revised 2023

*It is recommended that you use Chrome, Avast, or Adobe to complete the form electronically. It will not work correctly with Microsoft Edge.